"Watch" Out Wednesday – since we’re working with the letter "W" today, let’s work on getting our wrist action ready for the spring & beyond with some wallet friendly white watches (say that really fast – lol). You can wear a white watch all year round to sass up a dark outfit or complement a soft one. Either way, you can never go wrong by wearing one of these hot watches. As an accessories lady, I feel it’s my duty to wear a watch every day! (even if you happen to check time on your blackberry/iphone/treo/you get what I’m saying –lol) I believe everyone should own an exquisite fine time piece. You can add all the fun colors/textures in anytime to your collection. There are key things I look for when I “check out” another person’s accessories - and the watch is one of the first.
A watch can tell a lot about a person, just like a pair of shoes or handbag can! And just because I don’t have an original Breguet (http://www.google.com/ if you need more info), doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to tell time in a fashionable way.
So, if you don’t have your collection started, here are some great choices to get things going! So here’s to my all my “watch wearing-nista’s” . My personal fav is the very first snow white Guess Water Watch for $125 & the Marc Jacobs Flower Band Watch for $175. So which is YOUR favorite?!?
(P.S. If you need product info, please feel free to leave a comment stating such & I will send that info to you! = ) )